About item 22
Lavender and Green Jadeite Emperor’s favorite Wife Attended by Ladies in Waiting.
Carving in deep relief. This elegant carving depicts a figure of a reclining Chinese Beauty of very High rank posed in a restful position while her every need and desires are being attended to by ladies in waiting.
The entire scene has subtle and rather tasteful erotic allusions: the dreamy, seductive pose of the reclining Queen with the unfolding gigantic Banana leaf in a shape that closely resembles phallus prominent to the right.
Above the Banana tree there is a branch bearing Peach fruit. The Fruit itself is a symbol of Fruitfulness of the Male and Female union, which is further emphasized by a blooming Plum tree associated with youthfulness, renewal and longevity.
On the opposite side of the carving there is a Beautiful strand of Bamboo symbolic of long life.