A unique collection of jadeite carvings accrued over six decades...
The Lex Jade collection is a unique and rare private collection of Jadeite carvings collected since the 1950s. The collection is for sale in part or in its entirety from its current location in London, UK.
Research was conducted to establish the most active market place to assemble jade for the purpose of the value for the items in this collection. Comparables were gathered from sales offerings and results, which are similar to the articles in this inventory. Criteria considered includes: sources of jade, grade of jade, size, artistic quality, age, condition and rarity. The region concluded to be most active as China, drawn from luxury auction and gallery sales offerings and results, internet sales offerings and results, and consultation with professionals internationally.
The owner of the collection is a native of Denmark, where he graduated from Ebeltoft Borger-og Realskole, Ebeltoft Municipality, and served as platoon leader in the military at Kongens Fodregiment, DK-Fredericia. An entrepreneur in character he diverged into the real estate development capacity, continuing successfully for decades, between late 1960 through 2001. Simultaneously he embraced a passion for jade, which culminated in the collection as it has emerged.
The sources for acquisition of the assortment is listed in the Bibliography portion of the document, and it is reported to this appraiser that the pieces were obtained over time through galleries both in the China, Spain, Singapore, Thailand and England. In consideration of these facts explained by Liang, Senior Engineer of NJQSIC, “that Burma is the main origin for Jade with about 90% exported solely to China. The balance is from Yunnan China, which is beside Burma. Obviously more than 95% of jade should be regarded as from Burma”. Along with experts in the field of jade that have inspected the inventory through both onsite and photographic examination. Together they have supplied information to this appraiser in a culmination of facts, to make the judgment that the bulk of the jade stones in the inventory are from Burma.
“A” Grade jade is natural jade commonly with a wax finish. It is without any kind of acid bleaching or coating with plastic type resins. The natural fine quality “A” jade is the rarest among all gemstones. These same professionals verified the collection to be of Grade “A”, through inspection by the naked eye, and in the course of photographic examination.
Factors in the identification of jade, which determine value include: color, translucency, technique in cutting and extent of flaws. Color refers to the intensity of the stone with the more intensity the better. There are many different shades of jadeite including: green, lavender, red, yellow, white and russet/brown. The collection here has a majority of soft green and lavender pieces of jadeite suffused together with inclusion of other colors to include emerald/green and russet/brown. Positive value factoring is determined for the inventory through inspection with the naked eye, and photographic examination by this appraiser and professionals in the field.
Translucency being the best category is when you can see into the stone. On the current jadeite market, the imperial-green glassy categories are very rare with the next category which is more popular consisting of opaque texture. Through professional contributions and extensive study the collection is determined to be of translucent to opaque texture for the majority of pieces, with highlights, accents or inclusions reported separately for each article.
The condition of the collection is “Very Good”, unless stated independently within a single article description. This refers to the physical state of the piece, and if there is damage. After examination of each carving by the naked eye the overall order of the collection has been determine as positive for condition, creating significant merit to the worth.
Most of the jadeite pieces produced in the past hundred years were cut and carved in China. Due to expertise of the Chinese lapidary the values have been enhanced in this collection. Intricate patterns of dragons, floras, Buddha, Immortals and Deities are intricately sculpted taking full advantage of the intrinsic natural characteristics of the jadeite.
Rare is the top-quality old jadeite available on the market; even rarer are the truly archaic pieces and those that are pure and flawless. The pieces here dated around late Twentieth Century in style, which are not the rarest form of jade. However, the large sizes of the stone carvings in this collection are an extra ordinary characteristic of value contributing to the element of rarity. For this verity upward considerations to value are implemented.
You can browse the entire collection bellow. Feel free to contact us at any time to discuss any requirements or interests you may have in this rare collection.